Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ancient Pompeii and Rome

Over the last couple of months we have visited and talked a lot about ancient Rome. We have also heard a lot about how different classes of people lived at that time. We've learned about the fall of Rome and how it happened. This past weekend we got to learn and see the same things about ancient Pompeii. I felt there were definite similarities between the two but also a lot of differences stood out to me.
We've learned that ancient Rome had a lot of power but that the power over the years changed. At one point the power lyed in the emperors and at another time it lyed in the church. Rome also spent their time leisuring in ways such as eating, drinking, and watching fights at places such as the Colloseum. They would pair people against people or people againt animals and watch one kill the other. This is one of the main differences that stood out to me between Rome and Pompeii.
When we went to Pompeii I learned that the people of Pompeii spent their time eating and drinking much like the Romans did but they also spent the majority of their time being physical with one another. People from other places would come to Pompeii for the main purpose of having sex. The people there didn't have any morals and at that time thought that it was normal to do this. It was definitly a different culture than what we have today. Pompeii to me seemed a lot more relaxed than what we've learned of ancient Rome.
I thought it was very interesting to see how the different groups of people lived in both places. I also really enjoy seeing the ruins of each place as well and I was really impressed on how in tact the ruins of Pompeii still were. There were still fresco painting in the rooms that were very clear that we were able to walk by and see. Although like every city there are different classes of people I thought it was interesting to see that they weren't as spread out in Pompeii. We walked inside a high class house and then a short walk we were at the low class houses. I think Rome and Pompeii have both been a learning experience and I enjoyed being able to see both places.

1 comment:

  1. Being in Pompeii was definitely a learning experience. I was very impressed with the ruins there and the sheer size of the city. Pompeii was a port city and so people did come there for sex, but Rome too was all about the ‘pleasures now’ as well. Sex was very common in both places, however more remains of Pompeii so it’s easier to see.
