Thursday, November 11, 2010


Throughout our time in Rome we have visited many different places and settings. In my opinion I think seeing Rome from the tourist areas is much different than seeing and experiencing Rome in the civilian areas. All over Rome there are many Piazza's. A piazza is a town square where many Italians go with their friends to eat, drink, talk, or eden just to hang out. They are usually always very crowded with many different things to do.

The most exciting piazza I have seen so far is Piazza Navona. During the day Navona will have many painters out in the square, many shops open with people, and also a lot of outside resturants filled with people talking and eating. At night Navona is very much the same. However; at night it will be completely lit up with lights and instead of painters out there will be musicians playing and singing. There are also many beautiful and historical fountains decorating the square. This piazza is very beautiful, and much like all the other piazza's, it gives the tourist a very good insight to how Rome really is.
I think the piazza's describe Rome because it shows how relaxed Italians really are. All around the city we see people rushing and in a hurry to get somewhere else, but in a piazza it is very different. People aren't rushing around at all they are enjoying the time they have outdoors and with their friends. For example one of the biggest cultural facts we've learned while in Italy is that Italians never get drinks to go. They always sit down and enjoy their coffee or expresso with a friend. This can be seen immediatly in any piazza.

I also think in piazza's you can learn about the culture by looking at the numerous amounts of art everywhere. There are always painters and paintings sitting out showing off their love for their country, which resembles how every Italian is. I've learned that Italians all have the upmost respect for Italy. There are also fountains and historical buildings in a lot of piazza's that have been there for hundreds even thousands of years. The fact that these pieces of art are still standing and being honored shows a lot about the amount of respect Italians have for their surroundings.

From what I've seen so far piazza's also show a big difference between how Americans act and how Italians act. Back home I think it is very rare for a big group of people to just be "hanging out" outside the way that Italians do in piazza's. Usually Americans are in malls shopping or inside at a resturants eating but Italians are much more relaxed when it comes to the secular side of things. They enjoy each others company I think more often then you would see Americans do.


  1. Jackie,

    I agree that the Piazza Navona is one the more beautiful piazzas that we've encountered on our trip. However, I think that there are places that people hangout like this. I think that you live on campus and if you ever venture into Akron or the Akron area, you might find places like this that people actually just hangout with friends all night long. It's really fun, you should check them out sometime :)

  2. Hi Jackie!
    I also agree with the piazzas being beautiful places where people go to hang out with friends and people watch, however, back in the US people do get together in large groups; Walsh parties! I mean, you have been to them, sometimes they are ridiculously crowded and get busted. Although I can see where you are coming from about there not being too many places outside of the campus, where people can hang out and I wish there was because I really enjoyed myself in the one in Navona! I also agree with the part where you said that Americans spend most of their time in malls and in restaurants and I wish it was different because I get so bored sometimes. Nice blog!

  3. I agree how you said it was rare for a big group of people to just be "hanging out" outside like the Italians do in piazza's. When people hang out back at home it is usually just a very small group and going to a movie or out to eat. At the piazza's there are many people who come and are all together at once enjoying another's company
