Everywhere we have looked we have seen art reflecting the history and most of that history has reflected faith in one way or another. Just recently we have visited the first cathedral ever in the world. As someone who believes in God this is a awesome site to see. At the basilica of San Giovanni there were also tons of fresco paintings all over the walls and sculptures decorating it as well. I think being able to go inside and look at this impacts my faith. Even after all these years the fact that these paintings and buildings are still standing for people to look at to me is very symbolic of how powerful God can be.
The city of Rome has taught me a lot in just a few weeks. It is one thing to just go to a site and look around or take pictures but when you actually learn the history of what everything means it changes completely. It makes the art even more beautiful and meaningful then it already was. Also at the San Giovanni Laterano and Santa Scala there was a statue of Peter that we were able to see. On the statue there is a dis-colored part of his foot that has changed over the years due to so many people touching the statue. When we saw this I definetly felt my faitIh grow. I thought it was such a symbol of God to see that over the years enough people have come to this statue and to the basilica that it actually changed colors.
Rome can be such a beautiful place and I think it would be hard for someone to not see God in every piece of work. I think looking at the art also teaches me a lot about how people used to act back in the beginning of the centuries or at least my interpretation of how they acted. I think through the art people seem to have been a lot more humble and a lot more in touch with their spiritual and artistic side. Seeing that also changes my faith because in a way I think it shows how God may have wanted us to act. I've really enjoyed seeing these works of art over the last few weeks and for me personally it had definetly strengthened my faith.
I liked your take on history bolstering faith, but I would have been interested in seeing what you thought about history vs faith - or knowing vs believing. Did it matter to you whether or not the Santa Scala steps were the real ones Jesus walked on - or did they make you feel the same way either way?