Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Rome as Oppressive or Exhilarating

My oppinion of Rome is that I think it is both oppressive and exhilarating. I feel like it is definetly exhilarating because everywhere you look there is some part of history that is so significant. Just like when we went into that museum there was so much art and every piece has a history behind it. I also think that it is exhilarating because this is the city that used to be the center of the world and I felt like I could still feel how powerful it is by just walking around it. I don't see how a travelor could come to this city and not get excited everyday when learning about these things.

In the book the Italians it talks about Italy as the teacher of many arts. Throughout my time here so far I can definetly see how Italy is a teacher, and how a lot of that teaching is done in Rome. The Italians book said how Italians have created a variety of crafts and skills and taught it to the foreigners. I think this adds to Rome being exhilarating because even just by admiring the art I felt that I was being taught new crafts and skills. I never imagined someone being able to create such art work before coming to Rome.

I can also though see how Rome could be oppressive because the atmosphere here is very different then what I've seen before. The streets are very crowded and there is the language barrier that a travelor would deal with everyday. The lifestyle people live over here is very different and I think a travelor would need to have an open mind in order to feel comfortable in Rome. Personally I still don't feel completely safe while in the city. We've heard a lot about how stealing goes on everyday and that has impacted the way that I have felt here. If someone were to have a negative experience here I think it would defintely impact the way they look at all of Rome. I think that in that way it could be oppressive for some travelors.


  1. Jaclyn, I don't agree with your position about the corwded city being oppressive; however, I do agree with the language barrier being oppressive. The crowd can go away or die down but the language barrier is something that a traveler would have to deal with for a long while before gaining thier footing on the language and consequently, this could hinder thier expereinces in Rome.

  2. I agree. I also see Rome as mostly Exhilarating. Yes, there are a few parts that are oppressive (like the language barrier), but usually it is very exciting and interesting. I really love all of the history!

  3. I agree with you on Rome exhilarating. Seeing all the history makes Rome so exciting and I could just keep walking and learning for hours and hours.

  4. I also feel that the city of Rome is very exhilarating. Learning about the history of this anceint city is very exciting. I think that the different language makes things thrilling and enables us to learn more about the culture.
